What Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Called

Oct 21st 2023

People often ask experts "What are lab-grown diamonds called?" They're commonly known by various terms like "grown diamonds", which underscores their non-mineral source but laboratory production process. Other names for lab-grown diamonds may include synthetic diamonds, cultured diamonds, man-made diamonds, engineered diamonds and lab diamonds - although "grown diamond" seems most appropriate here!

Lab-grown diamonds are the diamonds that are formed in a supervised laboratory environment. They are chemically, physically, and optically similar to natural diamonds, but they are produced by using advanced technology as compared to those that are mined from the ground.

Best Choice of People

Consumers who are interested in ethical replacements for mined diamonds inquire, "What are lab-grown diamonds called?".People like to choose lab-grown diamonds as they are more inexpensive, maintainable, and conflict-free diamonds. Although they are physiochemically identical to natural diamonds, they are much less luxurious.

The Science Of Gemstones: What Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Called?

The people who show interest in the science behind gemstones often raise the question of what lab-grown diamonds are called. They are scientifically known as synthetic diamonds. The following are the important parameters that should be kept in mind while describing lab-grown diamonds.

Chemical Composition

Lab-grown diamonds are made up of pure carbon, just like natural diamonds.

Physical Properties:

Lab-grown diamonds have the identical physical properties as natural diamonds, including hardness, density, and refractive index.

Optical Properties:

Lab-grown diamonds have the same optical properties as natural diamonds, including brilliance, fire, and scintillation.


Lab-grown diamonds are graded using the same 4Cs as natural diamonds: cut, color, clarity, and carat weight.

Importance of Cut

The cut of a diamond determines its brilliance, fire, and scintillation. Lab-grown diamonds can be amended into a wide variety of shapes or styles.


Lab-grown diamonds exist in a diversity of colors, including colorless, near-colorless, faint yellow, and faint brown, to fancy colors such as pink, blue, green etc.


Lab-grown diamonds can be found in a variety of clarity grades, from flawless to included. The clarity of a diamond refers to the number and size of inclusions, which are tiny imperfections in the stone.

Carat weight

The carat weight of a diamond is its unit of mass.0.2 grams equals one carat. Lab-grown diamonds can be developed in a variety of carat weights, from small fractions of a carat to over 100 carat.

Other Specifications

Growth methods: Lab-grown diamonds can be grown using two different methods: high pressure-high temperature (HPHT) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD). HPHT diamonds are grown by exposing a diamond seed to high pressure and temperature. CVD diamonds are grown by depositing a layer of carbon atoms onto a diamond seed.

Time To Grow

The size of the stone determines the time required to develop lab-grown diamonds. Small stones can be developed in a shorter duration of time, like in a few weeks, whereas the creation of larger stones can take a longer time, like several months.

Cost of Lab-grown Diamond

If compared to lab-grown diamonds with natural, it is found at an affordable price as natural diamond.

Ethical Choices In Diamonds: What Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Called?

Exploring alternatives to traditional lab created diamonds leads to the question of what are lab-grown diamonds called. They're frequently named cultured diamonds. Buying a lab-grown diamond is a personal decision.Many consumers today are opting for ethical diamond jewelry. Some people may prefer the rarity and prestige of a natural diamond, while others may prefer the affordability and sustainability of a lab-grown shape.


No doubt, with the advancement of technology, lab-grown diamond lingers to redefine in the field of jewelry. The interested often surprise, "What are lab-grown diamonds called?".The answer always favors the lab-created diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds are a prodigious supernumerary to natural diamonds as they are more affordable. If you want a beautiful and reasonable lab-grown diamond, always choose lab-grown diamonds.