Natural Diamonds vs. Lab Diamonds

Oct 13th 2023

Natural and lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds but are created differently. Natural diamonds are formed under the earth's surface over millions of years, while lab-grown diamonds are created in a laboratory environment over a few weeks.

Natural diamonds are the most common type of diamond on the market. They are formed under the earth's surface under high pressure and temperature. Natural diamonds are mined from kimberlite pipes, vertical conduits extending deep into the earth's crust.

The Environmental Impact of Natural vs. Lab Diamonds

The ongoing debate about natural vs. diamonds centers on their origin and environmental impact. Mining for natural diamonds can be a dangerous and environmentally damaging process. It requires heavy machinery and explosives, and it can generate a lot of waste. Additionally, natural diamonds are often associated with conflict, as they are mined in some of the world's most unstable countries.

Methods Of Lab-grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are created in a laboratory environment using a variety of methods. The most common methods are high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD).

The HPHT method places a small diamond seed in a chamber with carbon and a metal catalyst. The chamber is then heated to high temperatures and subjected to high pressures. This causes the carbon to crystallize around the seed, forming a diamond.

Role Of Carbon in Lab-grown Diamond

In the CVD method, a carbon-containing gas is introduced into a chamber with a diamond seed. The gas is heated, causing the carbon to break down and deposit on the seed. This process is repeated until the desired size and shape of the diamond is formed, such as oval lab-grown diamonds and round-shaped lab-grown diamonds.

Lab-grown diamonds are just as real as natural diamonds. They have the same chemical composition optical, and physical properties as natural diamonds. The only way to tell the difference between a lab-grown diamond and a natural diamond is with specialized equipment. So, the question of that are lab diamonds as valuable as natural diamonds becomes secondary.

Benefits of lab-Grown Diamonds

There are several benefits to buying lab-grown diamonds. Here are a few:

Affordability: The natural vs. lab diamonds discussion also extends to cost. Lab-grown diamonds are typically 20-50% less expensive than mined diamonds.

Sustainability: Lab-grown diamonds are more sustainable than mined diamonds because they do not require earth mining.

Ethical: Consumers often weigh the ethical considerations when deciding between natural vs. lab diamonds.Lab-grown diamonds are conflict-free and not associated with violence or exploitation.

Variety: Lab-grown diamonds are available in various colors, clarities, and cuts.

Drawbacks of lab-grown diamonds

There are a few drawbacks to buying lab-grown diamonds. Here are a few:

Perception: Some people believe lab-grown diamonds are less valuable than mined diamonds.

Resale value: Lab-grown diamonds do not hold their value as well as mined diamonds.

Availability: Lab-grown diamonds are not as widely available as mined diamonds.

Are lab Diamonds As Valuable As Natural Diamonds?

When choosing a diamond, the debate of natural diamonds vs. lab diamonds is often considered. Several factors, including the diamond's carat weight, color, clarity, and cut, determine a diamond's value. However, the type of diamond (natural or lab-grown) can also affect its value.

Comparing The Cost Of Natural Diamonds vs. Lab Diamonds

Natural diamonds are generally considered to be more valuable than lab-grown diamonds. This is because natural diamonds are more rare and have a longer history. Additionally, some believe natural diamonds are more beautiful and have more character than lab-grown diamonds.

However, the value gap between natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds is narrowing. As the technology for creating lab-grown diamonds improves, lab-grown diamonds are becoming more affordable and widely available. This is leading to increased demand for lab-grown diamonds, driving their value.


Ultimately, the choice between natural vs. lab diamonds depends on the buyer’s values, preferences and priorities. Some factors are to consider, including the price, sustainability, ethics, and variety of diamonds available.

A natural diamond is the best option if you are looking for the most valuable diamond. However, a lab-grown diamond is a great option if you are looking for a more affordable, sustainable, and ethical diamond.