How To Tell Lab-Grown VS. Natural Diamond?

Dec 14th 2023

Choosing suitable diamonds can be daunting whether you want to wear jewelry for casual or specific functions. There are two primary choices of diamonds that are becoming popular nowadays. Traditionally mined diamonds and lab-grown diamonds. However, people want to know how to tell lab-grown vs. natural diamond differences to select the best option. And look stunning on regular and specific occasions.

How To Tell Lab-Grown VS. Natural Diamond? (Top 6 Differences To Consider)

The following are crucial things that can help you differentiate between lab and natural diamonds.


The first factor through which you can know about natural and lab diamonds is that when diamonds are formed. They get corroboration from reliable gemological institutes like the Gemological Institute Of America (GIA). Which provides complete information about the procedures and practices involved in the formation of the diamonds with certifications. And also tells that a specific diamond is a natural or lab diamond.

Differences Of Luminance:

Second, you can know whether a diamond is natural or lab-created through the differences in luminance reflected through the diamonds. Luminance is a special light reflected when a diamond is exposed to ultraviolet illumination. Traditionally, mined diamonds reflect a blue luminance, whereas lab diamonds reflect a different range of luminance colors. These luminances are differentiated when the gemologists use special devices to check them out.

Availability Of Impurities:

Third, you can also differentiate between traditional and lab created diamonds through the availability of impurities in them. Traditional diamonds are created by exploiting natural resources and being buried deep into the lower mantle. Where they are formed from high pressure and temperature availability.

Due to the uncontrolled conditions, they have higher impurities than lab diamonds. Which are prepared under a lab environment with fixed conditions. Due to the controlled environment, they have minor impurities compared to natural diamonds. Using some particular equipment for checking the level of impurities in the diamonds is the best option.

Color Correction:

The fourth factor is that the color difference between these diamonds is another vital way. To know which is the lab and which is a natural diamond. Traditional diamonds are pink, yellow, green, brown, and various others according to their trace minerals. On the other hand, lab diamonds are available in white, pink, blue, yellow, colorless, etc. According to the conditions used by the scientists during the formation procedures.

Technologies To Identify Man-Made Diamonds:

The fifth factor is that due to the advanced technologies, differentiating between lab and natural diamonds is very easy. Due to the presence of specific tools and equipment. The shop owners and gemologists use these tools with different methods to determine whether the diamond is natural or lab-made. However, these tools are unavailable to customers, so they cannot use them. You can select lab grown diamond engagement rings with your partner for your ceremony.

Cost Differences:

The sixth factor is that you can also understand the difference between natural and lab diamonds through their prices. Natural diamonds are expensive due to the lengthy procedure of their formation and additional expenses. On the other hand, lab-grown diamonds are affordable and budget-friendly options. Because they are created in a lab, cutting the additional expenses.

Summing Up:

To sum up, how to tell lab-grown vs. natural diamond? You need to check out their differences in cost, color, impurities, luminance, corroborations, and tools used to identify diamonds. Knowing these differences can help you select the suitable option and wear them regularly or on special occasions. Lab diamonds have a huge variety of diamond anniversary rings for couples.